Night Circus - Erin Morgentern

I read about 20 pages of the Night Circus PDF the other day, and I decided to continue reading in Shelf Indulgence because it’s a nice quiet place with coffee. And I found a physical copy of the book, displayed by the lounge. I mean what were the odds that it’d be the shopkeeper's favorite read? I sat down and ended up spending an afternoon getting through a third of the book. 
Night Circus is immediately engaging. It’s visually descriptive and the magic is enchanting. I’m definitely going to finish this book, (all my unfinished books I’m saving for this summer.) Along with the characters being so personalized, I can pick them out just through their dialogue, I’m enjoying the structure of the plot. Two “magic-users” are being pitted against each other but it’s being done in a way that the suspense of this competition is done with the anxiety and anticipation of Marcos. It’s also drawn out, which really pulls in the reader. 

What’s intriguing to me is the occasional second-person interludes that pop up. I want to know how that connects with the main narrative of the story. My assumption is that as the competition happens, the narrative will which to second-person and you’ll be an audience member, watching the competition—which would be a great ending to this magical novel. 


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