The Distance of the Moon: A Visual Experience

The Distance of the Moon is a visual and imaginative experience. The descriptive detail of how the scene works with the moon literally coming close to the moon was breathtaking. At first, I had to reread the beginning multiple times, because with literary work it’s hard for me to understand whether anything being said was literal or just metaphorical. But once I got a grasp of the story and the language, I saw the moon in a new way. A surreal landscape where the ocean and surface of the moon meet and the two environments collide. 

What I love about this short story is that even though this strange lunar phenomenon was occurring, we saw an unrequited love story unfold. Every character had a desire—yearning for something just out of reach. The deaf one was the only one who took full advantage of the situation and leaped across the moon. 

The language of the story feels like it’s meant for a children’s picture book. I looked up the short story and found animated storytellings of the short. Having the visuals there completes the picture book aesthetic for me. The story feels like a folklore that’s been told in many different forms. For a story that came out of 1965, it has that mythological feel. 


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